Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thankfulness: recognizing how much beauty we are surrounded by just by having the privilege of living life.

Let's be honest- this semester has been extraordinarily difficult. Mentally, emotionally, physically, you name it. But I've always loved "fall break" (or for California, some sort of chilly break but necessarily fall weather). It's a time to remember what we do have in life, and how grateful we should remember to be for that. Of all of the ups and downs I have personally endured these past couple of months, one really wonderful has come out of it. I think about life every single day and instead of moping about how sad and painful my experiences have been, I'm finally beginning to recognize the beauty in just living another day. The sun is out, California does have beautiful weather (as much as I complain about it being too hot), I'm surrounded by wonderful friends, and man made the most important thing in the world: coffee. Who can really complain about life?

So this New Year, 2010, will be a good year. I can feel it. I have my New Years Resolutions, which I usually end up forgetting somewhere around the month of April, but I actually do plan on carrying them out this year. Well, plan is the significant word here.

I do know this. Life is fragile. Everything really does happen for a reason, even when we can't see it. And we will all be okay if we stop to remember how lucky we all have it.

Peace and Love.