Wednesday, July 28, 2010

European Adventure

I've been sitting around contemplating whether or I should make my Europe blog on here or to just scrapbook for my own personal reflection. It's almost too much to remember and digest- the 3 week trip was really amazing. I can say that I have learned so much about culture and history from the experience, as well as what a blessing it is to be able to say I live in America (ha!)

I can't deny that half the time I was there, I was probably complaining about how hot it was, how much we were walking, the smelly metro rides, and the never ending need to have an itinerary. But the moment I stepped off the plane, I swear, I don't know what to do with myself. I'm terrible at doing nothing; just sitting and relaxing- ick. I don't know what to just stop and cool off and I've been trying to do so ever since I've been home. I must say that it's nice not to have the stresses of school and studying right now, but seriously, I need to be doing SOMETHING!

What I really need is to research everything I saw and didn't understand while I was away. Like... what the heck is the big deal about the Mona Lisa? The Louvre was such an incredible museum and no one gave any notice to the beautiful artwork it held, until you pass the room that held the beloved tiniest framed picture you've ever seen. Definitely need to figure that one out. I can't deny that I was one of those people pushing and shoving to take a picture though... :)

Or... the Eiffel Tower? The Tower Bride in London? The statue of David? I mean, these are things that everyone knows about already- the famous monumental structures that we all would die to see. But were we ever taught the real significance of them? I wish I could really look at them and know the true beauty and essence behind it as opposed to "wow awesome, I saw the Eiffel Tower!"

I'd love to go back and live it all again with more knowledge then I have now. Europe is a beautiful place with so much incredible history. The cathedrals and architecture is absolutely exquisite- something our country unfortunately lacks. The thought and time that went into each statue, ceiling, stained glass window, door, roof, and everything surrounding it is unbelievable. It definitely proves a lot about mankind and the ability that each human has to affect and create something beautiful.

Just thoughts. More to come later... :)

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